Though The Two High Chinese " Boxer" Officials, Chi-hsiu And
Hsu Cheng-yu, were publicly beheaded in Pekin on Tuesday, it does not seem that any real progress is being made in regard to a settlement. The majority of Ministers have, it is......
The Times Correspondent In Pekin, Telegraphing On Wed-...
a precis of the draft Convention which the Russians have called upon the Chinese to sign in regard to Manchuria. The Convention, which has twelve articles, begins by declaring......
News Of The Week.
R ITMOURS of a circumstantial nature were persistently circulated on Thursday that General Botha, had surren- dered that morning to Lord Kitchener, but up to the hour of our......
The Force Sent To Punish The Ogaden Somalis In Jubaland
for the murder of Mr. Jenner, the British Sub-Commissioner, has met with serious resistance at Sannasa, about sixty miles from Aff Madu. The British troops, under Colonel......
The French Chamber On Friday Week Committed Itself By A
large vote to a sweeping extension of the system of progres- sive Death-duties which has already become law as part of the Budget. The scale for bequests under 200,000 francs......