On Tuesday The Debate On The Address Was Continued By
Mr. Dillon, his subject being the" wanton burning" of farms and other alleged atrocities. His speech was as ineffective as it was disingenuous, and he was deservedly reproved by......
Mr. George Meredith Has Contributed To The Westminster...
protest in verse against the use of the name "Tommy Atkins," or rather "Atkins." "Exquisite humour," indignantly exclaims Mr. Meredith, "that gives him a naming base to the ear......
Mr. Bennet Eurleigh Tells A Pleasant Story In A Recent
issue of the Daily Telegraph. The incident, which happened in his sight and hearing, was as follows. Two officers, total strangers, new arrivals from up-country, rather lonely......
The Meeting Of The General Committee Of The National Liberal
Federation held at Rugby on Wednesday will prob- ably be known in future as the Rugby " Union " meeting, though it passed off without a "scrimmage." After a resolu- tion of......
The Decisions Of The Queen's National Memorial...
command general approval. Without having come to any positive conclusion as to the exact form and design of the memorial—which must depend on expert advice and the amount of......
Stratbcona'a Home Left Liverpool Last Saturday. At The...
in St. George's Hall, Colonel Steele, in responding to the toast of his health, said they had simply done their duty as a part and parcel of the great British Empire, and as......
In The House Of Commons On Monday Mr. Gibson Bowles
induced the Government to agree to a further inquiry into the harbour works at Gibraltar. Mr. Bowles, who has lately been at Gibraltar, is much moved by the fact that the new......
In The Honse Of Lords On Tuesday Lord Avebury Moved
for a Select Committee to inquire into the hours of labour in shops, and whether any, and if so what, stops could be taken to reduce them. Lord Salisbury agreed, but trusted......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 97/.......