2 MARCH 1996, page 32

Today's Terror

Sir: It has been 40 years since I last looked down the barrel of a gun. That is until 3.45 yesterday afternoon. In 1956, on manoeuvres in Germany, when commanding a troop of......

No Time For Poetry

Sir: What an agreeable portrait Sue Cam- eron suggests of my father's life as Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service (Wanted: the next Sir Humphrey', 3 February)! As......

The Real Target

Sir: Far from hitting the City (`Mammon cheats the bomb', 17 February), the Provi- sionals' real target was surely the national media — far better for getting the message......

A Case For Treatment

Sir: Dr Dalrymple's weekly revelation (If symptoms persist . . . ' ) of the cultural chasm that exists between himself and the criminals he chooses (presumably) to attend is......

Yesterday's Terrorists

Sir: In your leading article, 'The human question' (17 February), you make two his- torical references that make me itch some- what. The first is that Michael Collins tried to......

Prix Italia

Sir: With regard to Alexander Waugh's offer (Letters, 17 February) of a £250 cash prize for a satisfactory summary of Petronella Wyatt's thesis, I submit the fol- lowing:......

Singular Construction

Sir: I am one of Dot Wordsworth's regu- lars, and I mostly agree with her. But this time I side with James Cope (Letters, 24 February). Dot tells us that media has a plural......