The Baghdad Railway. [to The Burros Op The "spectator. "]...
Englishman must endorse the views in your powerful article in the Spectator of April 25th in reference to the German proposals. On the other hand, you would, I think, be the......
[to The Edit= Op The "spectat011.1 Sin,—your...
Officer," in the Spectator of April 25th, asks that the Volunteer Force may be taken seriously, and I presume he wishes his own remarks to be taken equally seriously. I do not......
The Problem Of Officers For The Auxiliary Forces.
[TO THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—In your issue of April 18th you made a proposal for increasing the supply of officers in the Auxiliary Forces. A correspondent signing......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator.")
Sma,—I have read with deep interest the leader in the Spectator of April 11th on the Baghdad Railway. With some of your statements I venture to disagree. I concede that even......