C Urrent Literat Ure.
THE QUARTERLIES. The Edinburgh Review. — " English Agriculture " is perhaps the most interesting article in an exceptionally good number of the Edinburgh. The Reviewer deals......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for resins in other forms.] The Land of the Boxers. By Captain Gordon Casserly. (Long- mans and......
Two Books On Dante.
Dante and his Time. By Karl Federn. With an Introduction by A. J. Butler, and Illustrations. (W. Heinemann. 6s.)—So many books have been written about Dante from one point of......
Dante And The Animal Kingdom. By Richard Thayer Hol- Brook,
Ph.D. (Macmillan and Co. Ss. 6d. net.)—It was an ingenious idea on the part of Dr. Holbrook to search out all the passages in Dante that refer to animals and put them together......
Basuto Land. By Minnie Martin. (nichols And Co. 3s. 6d.
net.)— Mrs. Martin is the wife of an official in Basutoland, and writes from the experience of ten years. Basuto jealousy on the subject of their customs is well known; the......