What Is More Interesting In The Observations Of This...
and friendly visitor is his realisation that since the war the British people have become socially, even socialistically, minded. The old sumptuous discomfort " of English life......
Monsieur Queval Was So Influenced By The Impression Of Unity
which he derived, that he did not examine whether this sense of unity might not be based upon fictitious expectations. He did not face the problem of what happens to a people......
It Is Amusing None The Less To See The London
of today reflected in the mirror of a foreign mind. A week or so ago that gifted journalist, Monsieur Jean Queval, revisited England after an absence of six years. He has......
Monsieur Queval, While Paying A Warm Tribute To Our...
intelligence, underestimates our practical difficulties. It is true that our men of property have accepted the loss of their incomes with good grace and good humour ; they......
Marginal Comment
By HAROLD NICOLSON N OW that foreign visitors are beginning one by one to creep back to London, it is interesting to observe the effect which our great city makes upon them......