The Electrical Future
SIRS I should like to thank Mr. Scorer for one of the few practical suggestions for refuse disposal which I have encountered in some three years' campaigning on that subject.......
Hydro-electric And Atomic Power
SIR,-" Janus " mentions the controversy raised by the hydro-electric schemes at present projected in Scotland and specifically the threat to two of Scotland's finest rivers, the......
Stit,—Having just returned from internment in Singapore I am in a position to appreciate the excellent article entitled " Singapore" by Mr. Swanston in your issue of September......
France And Brittany
Sta,—I should be very grateful to you for publishing this answer to Mr. Cyril 0. Jones's letter which appeared in your issue of October 12th under the title of " Bretons and......
English Culture
" A Spectator's Notebook " last week you referred to the phenomenal sales of Dr. Trevelyan's English Social History and to the 83} tons of paper devoted to this publication by......
Lord Kemsley's Newspapers
SIR,—Mr. Frederick Willis in his reply to Lord Kemsley's letter puts in very moderate terms the case against the extension of newspaper com- bines. I am willing to believe that......