30 JANUARY 1841, page 18

Panorama Of The Bombardment Of Acre.

WrEarst two months after the arrival of the news of the bombardment of St. Jean d'Acre, has Mr. BURFORD produced a panoramic picture of the terrific scene, with figures the size......

Publications Received.

BOOKS. Greville ; or a Season in Paris. By Mrs. Gortn, Authoress of " Mrs. Armitage," &c. In three vols. The Domestic Management of the Sick-room, necessary, in aid of Medical......

The New Postage Envelope.

WE have received specimens of the new stamped envelopes, which are shortly to be issued, in two sizes, to supersede the first figured one. The new envelope is a plain blank......

Fine Arts.

ACROGRAPHY ; OR ETCHING IN RELIEF. Tats is a new art, which well deserves the attention of designers and publishers, though as yet in its infancy, and by no means so perfect as......