30 JANUARY 1841, page 19

Panorama Of The Bombardment Of Acre.

WrEarst two months after the arrival of the news of the bombardment of St. Jean d'Acre, has Mr. BURFORD produced a panoramic picture of the terrific scene, with figures the size......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS: On the 28th inst., in George Street, Edinburgh, the Lady of Sir WILLIAM MAxwin.r„, Bart., of Monteith, of a sou and heir. On the 26 11 lust., at Ashburnham House,......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, Jan. 26. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Cochran and Co. Manchester; as far as regards G. B. Cochran—Flowers and Co. Wellim5ton Street, Strand, publishers—J. and J. Sculling,......

Military Gazette.

WAR-OFFICE. Jan. 26.-19th Light Drags.—Capt. the Hon. W. Byng, from the 29th Foot, to be Capt. vice Kitchener, who exchanges. 2,1 Foot—Ensign T. J. D. Reed to be Lieut. by......


Five German Songs, by Louis Scone, translated or adapted to English Words. At any time Mr. WESSEL would have rendered an acceptable service to singers and to the art, by......