Letters Roman Scandals
Sir: I have been amused by the recent cor- respondence suggesting a bigotry against Catholics in England. Although Dom Antony Sutch's article (`Gunpowder, trea- son and plot',......
Sir: In His Piece On Anti-catholic Prejudice Dom Antony...
gives prominence to a statement by me in the Daily Telegraph. I spend many hours trying to explain things to journalists who absorb only what fits their theme, adopt my ideas as......
Not Guilty
Sir: Contrary to Julia Langdon's assertion in her article in The Spectator of 23 January about Andrew Knight (glow Knight forked himself) that I was responsible for the idea of......
The Way In
Sir: Hester McIntyre has described in your pages the 'Varsity entrance torture' (9 Jan- uary) she suffered trying to enter Oxford. The utter unsuitability of interviewing for......
Market Forces
Sir: Paul Johnson's call (`The seven deadly sins of journalism', 16 January) for a moral regeneration of those who produce the media is timely. But it is a pity that he does not......