Journalism For Women. By E. A. Bennett. (john Lane.)— Here
are words of wisdom indeed. Mr. Bennett edits a ladies' newspaper, knows what he is talking about, and has the courage to speak his mind with a quite admirable frankness. His......
Random Recollections. By Robert Ganthony. (h. J. Drane.)—...
gives us in this volume some of the experiences of an entertainer, and tells a variety of stories which will of them- selves more or less entertain. One is of a lady who, acting......
Sons.)—mr. Hannay Divides His Volume (one Of The Series Of
" Periods of European Literature ") between Spain, to which he allots about a half, England (the literature, roughly speaking, of Elizabeth's reign), France, the most......
Twenty-five Years In British Guiana. By Henry Kirke,...
of Demerara. (Sampson Low. 108. 6d.)—The author has succeeded in giving a full and interesting account of the history and changes of the last quarter of a century in our Central......
Lost And Vanishing Birds. By Charles Dixon. (j. Macqueen....
6d.)—Mr. Dixon's book is a plea for the protection of wild birds. He points out in his introduction that in some places it is partly the growth of civilisation and the......