Clerical Self-conceit.
[TO THE EDTTOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 :SIR, It struck me, as I read your interesting article on " Clerical Self-Conceit," that you omitted one thing felt more or less acutely by us......
[to The Editor Of The"spectator:']
SIR, —The curious inversion of what seems to me the true nature• of things apparent in the letter of " Live, and Let Live," and others who have addressed you on the subject of......
THE GOVERNMENT OF M. TRIERS.* [FINAL NOTICE.) "THE movement that at Bordeaux swept M. Thiers into power was due to a concurrence of distinct streams, which only the extreme......
[TO THE EDITOR OF TIIR " &Ter/mu.") SIR,—A late number of the Saturday Review contains an inter- -eating article on " Folk-Lore," pointing out the singular way in which its......