The Preliminary Inquiry In The Gooch Case Has Ended In
the committal of the accused, Lady Gooch and her nurse, Mrs. Walker, for trial. Lady Gooch, through her lawyers, virtually pleaded guilty, throwing up all defence, and agreeing......
Lord Beaconsfield Has Always Despised Consistency, But It...
nevertheless, to read the language which he used about' invading Afghanistan in order to produce an impression on the mind of Europe, in 1812 :—" The only information afforded......
Mr. Sidney Buxton Writes A Very Amusing Paper, In The
Animal World, for December, on the difficulties of acclimatising parrots and cockatoos—an attempt made by his father, the late Mr. Charles Buxton—and it does not appear that......
The Bishop Of Oxford, In A Preface Which He Has
just written to the Principal's report of the operations of Cuddesdon College during the last five years, gives evidence clearly tending to prove that the conversion, or......
The Art World Has Been Interested This Week In A
libel case. Mr. Ruskin does not like those formless sketches, looking like pictures seen through darkness or fog, which Mr. Whistler calls 4 ' Nocturnes," " Symphonies," and the......
Prince Charles Of Roumania Opened His Chambers On Novem- Ber
27th, in a speech in which, after congratulating the country on its independence and the acquisition of the Dobrudscha, and lamenting the cruel sacrifices of the war, he states......
A Meeting Of The Creditors Of Messrs. Smith, Fleming, And
-Co. was held on Wednesday, and Mr. Fleming was allowed to address them. He made some astounding statements. He de- -Oared that early in 1870 his firm had a capital of £400,000,......