Chats On Old Silv3r. By E. L. Lewes. (t. Fisher
lJnwin. 5s. net.)—There are many books, and good ones, about silver, as the bibliography which Mr. Lowes appends to this volume will show, but there is still room for a new one.......
Some Books Of Tiie Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the weak as have net been reserved for resists in other forms.] In the series of "The Analysed Bible" (Hodder and Stoughton) we have......
Readable Novms.—the Castle By The Sea. By H. B. Marriott
Watson. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—A somewhat complicated story which will repay the trouble of disentangling it.—A Daughter of the Storm. By Captain Frank H. Shaw. (Cassell and Co.......
Where The Fishers Go. By P. W. Browne. (t. Werner
Laurie. 6s. net.)—Mr. Browne writes about his theme, "The Story of Labrador," with knowledge and with enthusiasm. The country attracted him very early in life. In 1890 he took a......
The Small Garden Useful. By A. C. Curtis. (smith, Elder,
and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is likely to be a very useful volume. Even a small suburban garden of, say, five hundred square yards, not half-a-rood, may be made useful without......
English Impressions. By N. G. Welinkar, M.a. (tripathi...
Bombay. Is. 6d.)—Mr. Welinkar, who is Superintendent of the Municipal Schools in Bombay, spent the best part of a year in England, and after his return communicated the......
In The "elzevir Library" (seeley And Co., Is. 6d. Per
vol.) we have three elegant little volumes, nicely printed, with charming illustrations in the text. These are Vignettes of Country Life (supplementing an earlier volume,......
Is The Second Of These Which Gives It What It
has of value above the average. "Black-birding in the Pacific" is the title, and it is a remarkably vivid picture of life in one of its sinister aspects. " Black-birding "—the......
The Men Of The Mountain. By S. R. Crockett. (r.t.s.
Ga.)- We have been accustomed to think that for Mr. Crockett to be at his best he must have his foot on his native Galloway heath. But this tale makes us doubtful, for we have......