The Special Correspondent Of The Times With The Spanish Army
in Moroeeo gives in Monday's paper a gloomy account of the campaign. "There seems even now," he says, "to be an impression in Europe that the Spaniards hold Mount Gurugu. This......
It Was Announced On Friday That Two Royal Commissions Of
great importance have been appointed. The first, presided over by Lord G-orell, is to inquire into the present state of the law of divorce and its administration. The other,......
A Meeting Was Held At The Mansion House On Saturday
last in furtherance of the appeal for £500,000 to found and endow a National Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. The principal resolution, which was supported by upwards of a hundred......
It Was Announced In The Papers Of Monday That S
Memorandum and Articles have beeu drawn up for the creation of an Empire Press Union. This is the outcome of the Imperial Press Conference held in Lonlen last June. It was then......
The Recent Purchase In England By Dr. Bode, Of The
Berlin Museum, of a wax Renaissance bust attributed by him to Leonardo da Vinci has had a sensational sequel. In last Saturday's Times Mr. Cooksey, of Southampton, asserts that......
Undeterred By The Exposure Of His Misrepresentations...
of Buccleuch, the Lord Advocate, Mr. Ure, M.P., has been industriously circulating misleading statements on the subject of old-age pensions. On five separate occasions last week......
" The Northumbrian Miners At The End Of Last Week
decided to run Parliamentary candidates in opposition to Mr. Burt and Mr. Fenwick. No student of politics needs to be told how much Mr. Burt and Mr. Fenwick have done in the......