30 OCTOBER 1993, page 31
The Triumph Of Tape Over Experience
Lucy Hughes-Hallett MORE OF A CERTAIN AGE by Nairn Attallah Quartet, £15, pp. 345 aim Attallah, I deduce from this collection of interviews, is very interested in Winston......
Pictures Of People Talking
Christopher Bray 10 TALL TALES AND TRUE 'This book contains more tales than ten, so the title is a tall tale too. I would Spoil my book by shortening it, spoil the tale if I......
The Heavenly Puff Backfires
Albert Read CRY ME A RIVER by T. R. Pearson Secker, £8.99, pp. 258 h is profoundly American tale of murder in a Southern town arrives with a heavenly puff emblazoned on the......