Oxford Dong
LUMINOUS OR NOT, a dong is the stan- dard monetary unit of Vietnam, and so earns its place in Oxford's newest publica- tion, a Dictionary (at £15.95) for the Busi- ness World.......
Right About Tiny
THERE IS something about Tiny Rowland of Lonrho that reminds me of Napoleon, the pig in Animal Farm. (Paul Spicer, his master's voice, could pass for Squealer.) It is not just......
0 Captain, My Captain!
MY RACING CORRESPONDENT, Cap- tain Threadneedle, is to receive the singu - lar honour of having a race named after him. So he joins racing's pantheon. The Derby, the St Leger,......
Liberal Party
JO GRIMOND was the last Liberal leader to be be an economic liberal. That was in accord with his approach to politics, which I heard him explain, years ago, at a dinner in our......
City And Suburban
Unity is strength, except when it comes to unifying the Budget CHRISTOPHER FILDES E yes down for the Unified Budget. This time next month Kenneth Clarke will unveil his plans......
Ffere, Jacques
A LEFT AND RIGHT in Attalis is good shooting. Bernard Attali, the Saint-Exupery or Biggles of Air France, has now plummet- ed to earth beside his twin Jacques, the banker with......