Witney Blankets.
[To TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —In your notice of "A History of Oxfordshire," by J Meade Falkner, in the Spectator of September 23rd, the following sentence occurs In......
The Custom Of The Country.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Spwrens.") SIR,—In your kind review (August 26th) of my last book, "The Custom of the Country," a point is raised which I purposely left untouched,......
The Late Mr. Vanderbilt.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—Praise of a prominent man after his death is some- times overdone, but in your editorial of September 16th on the death of Mr. Cornelius......
A LETTER ON THE CRISIS. (Written from Manchester in answer to a friend in London.) I DON'T know why you ask me I But is the world now grown so for wise My thoughts about this......