The Berlin Correspondent Of The Daily Telegraph Contri-...
Tuesday's issue a budget of Bismarckiana from the forthcoming volume of Herr John Booth. The selected anecdotes all refer to Bismarck's prodigious consumption of food, drink,......
One Of The Greatest Of Indian Social Difficulties Is The
mortgage question. The peasantry in every province run themselves into debt, chiefly for their daughters' marriage expenses, and pledge their fields as security. The local......
We Have Dealt Elsewhere With The Question Of The Powers
and the possibility of their intervention in our quarrel with the Transvaal. But though we have no fears of any inter- national complications arising out of the crisis, we shall......
A Grave Calamity Has Befallen Darjeeling, The Pleasant...
and the sanatorium of Bengal. A heavy storm of rain began there on Saturday, the 23rd inst., and lasted thirty-eight hours, during which time some twenty- eight inches of rain......
On Sunday A Demonstration Was Held In Trafalgar Square To
protest against war with the Tiansvaal. The meeting was timed to begin at 3 o'clock, but long before the conveners arrived the Square was thronged by a large, and for the most......
We Are Glad To See That The Westminster Ga:ette Is
extend- ing the hospitality of its columns to "Mr. Dooley," just as Punch welcomed the contributions of Artemus Ward in 1866. The paper in Monday's issue, entitled "At Close......
The Times Of Thursday Publishes A Careful Analysis Of The
German Census taken on June 14th, 1895, from which it appears that the population amounted on that day to 51,770,000, of whom 25,400,000 were males and 26,360,000 females, the......
Bank Rate, 3i Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On
Friday 104.......