Count De Horny And The " Siecle."
The following phrase in the speeech of Count de Horny, on open. rag the Council General of the Department of the Puy-de-Rime, has given great offence to some of the Liberal......
Collision On The Brighton Railway. Further Particulars.
(By Electric Tekgr_aph.) BRIGHTON, Friday Morning. The inquest will be resumed to-day, and the evidence of the engine- driver in charge of the third train will be called;......
Prevent Its Entrance Into The Tunnel So Soon After The
first train had extremity of the tunnel to know if the train had passed through. allow the system a fair trial. . The latter replied " Yes," meaning, of course, the first, or......
HOLYHEAD, Aug. 30 (Morning.) THE Queen left Kingstown at five o'clock this morning, and has just arrived here. Her Majesty will remain here to-day, and inspect the new harbour......
Money Market.
&OCR EXC1LANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. OWING to the increased ease in the Money Market, the directors of the Bank of England yesterday lowered their rate of discount from 4* to 4 per......
Co Cunt.
VICEREGAL LODGE, AUG. 23. - Her Majesty the Queen and the Prince Consort, accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Alice, Princess Helena, and Prince Alfred, landed......
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Friday. Friday. 3 per Cent Consols 92f Bank Stock, 10 per Cent 235 Ditto for Account 92f India Stock, 101 per Cent 219 3 per Cents Reduced 92.......