31 AUGUST 1889, page 3

The Trial Of Mr. William O'brien And Mr. Gilhooly On

the charge of conspiracy was concluded on Monday at Clonakilty. Both Members of Parliament were declared guilty of the offence charged against them,—the former being sentenced......

The Death Of Lord Addington (better Known As Mr. J.

G. Hubbard) creates a vacancy in North Buckinghamshire, for which Mr. Hubbard (who now goes to the Upper House) was returned in 1886 by the very narrow majority of 71,—Captain......

Mr. Balfour Made An Amusing Speech At Hertford On Thursday

about the popular enjoyment of Art and Literature. He held that "there is more innocent hypocrisy talked about the admiration of picture-galleries, than about any other sub-......

The Divorce Law Passed In France In 1884 Seems To

be operating with terrible effect. In 1884 there were 3,657 divorces ; in 1885, 4,123; in 1886, 4,007; in 1887, 5,797. But the most astounding statement made is that in the......

The Cronin Trial Is Being Postponed By All Sorts Of

efforts on the part of the prisoners' counsel to get separate trials for the separate prisoners, and to press other dilatory motions. In the meantime, an attempt has been made......

On Tuesday, Sir John Gorst Introduced The Indian Budget In

an almost empty House,—a curious commentary on the interest which the New Radicals pretend to take in the inhabitants of our Asian possessions. The Under-Secretary dealt with......

When Mr. Balfour Went On To Praise The Lore Of

books as "a sovereign specific for dissipating the petty cares and troubles of life," was not he, too, a little conventional? " Petty " cares and troubles no doubt they may......

The Sultan,' Sunk By Running On A Reef Of Hidden

rocks near Malta, has been raised, and was on Monday floated safely into port. The work of recovery, abandoned by the Admiralty, was carried out by an Italian Company, who are......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (2f) were on Friday 97f-97i.......

Mr. Gladstone, Writing On Sunday Last From Hawarden To The

Daily News,—which published his letter on Tuesday,— enclosed a report he had received from Armenia of the out- rages of Moussa Bey, which appears to confirm all that has been......