The Veiled Woman. By Wilfrid Wingate. (thomas Laurie.)—...
rarely read a story in which the signs of unskilful treat- ment and the absence of any real dramatic power were more man:- feat. The style is always commonplace, and sometimes......
Longnians' New Atlas. Edited By G. G. Chisholm, M.a.,...
(Longmans.)—This is in many ways not an ordinary atlas, and we think that its original features will win for it a wide and lasting popularity, not only in schools, for which it......
Chats At St. Ampelio. By John A. Goodchild. (regan Paul
and Co.)---There is a curious attraction about these conversational dishes of Mr. Goodchild which, even when we are not at one with the opinions in them, compels us to read and......
A Pleasant And Chatty Style. It Is Not Exactly Elegant
or finished, and is evidently—too evidently—the result of amplified notes. Much is left unsaid that might well have been said, and the whole seems to want fullness. However, the......
Beyond Cloudland. By S. M. Crawley-boevy. 2 Vols....
an ordinary and commonplace love-story, is varied by chapters in which a love-sick young woman is carried about the planetary system and initiated into the geology and......
Life Of Hiuen - Tsiang. By S. Beal. (triibner And...
a translation of the life, or one might very well say, the adven- tures, of the "Master of the Law," by two Shamans. Hiuen- Tsiang, in the year 630 A.D., started on a great......
Moondyne. By J. Boyle O'reilly. (routledge.)—mr. O'reilly...
the convicts of Western Australia in the year 1848. Every one is agitated by a large reward-offered for the dis- covery of a fabulously rich gold-mine; one man only, the hero,......
Cryptogamic Botany. By A. W. Bennett And G. Murray. With
378 Illustrations. (Longmans and Co.)—If, ELS the writers say, no general handbook of cryptogamic botany has appeared since 1857, it is time indeed that the gap was filled. The......
Current Literature.
There has just been issued the first number of a new artistic periodical, entitled the Dial, edited by Messrs. C. H. Shannon and C. Ricketts, and published by the former at The......
Land And Freshwater Shells. " The Young Collector." By J. W.
Williams, J. W. Taylor, and W. Denison Roebuck. (Swan, Son- nenschein.)—This is a capital little guide to "Shells." A great deal of the space is devoted to the anatomy and......
A Russian Princess. By Tracy Turnerelli. (" Hansom Cab"...
Company.)—Mr. Turnerelli, or "The Old Russian Traveller," as he evidently likes to be called, bursts upon us like a thunderclap, with an " authentic " story dating from the days......