31 MARCH 1906, page 16
Emigration And The Unemployed.
(To VIE EDITOR Or TR& " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—You were good enough last year to insert a letter of mine in your columns in connection with emigration and the unemployed, in which I......
The Late Mr. C. J. Cornish.
[To THE EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,-Will you allow me to express the grateful thanks of the members of his family for the kind appreciations of my dear brother, C. J.......
On Caddies.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SezerAzos..1 "The usefu' cadie plies in street To bide the profits o' his feet." SIR,—I am only an old foozler, and hardly know the differ- ence between a......