Dick. By G. F. Bradby. (smith, Elder, And Co. 3s.
6d.)—In Dick, or, as Mr. Bradby calls it in his sub-title, "A Story without a Plot," we have a study of boy life worthy to rank with Mr. Eden Phillpotts's "Human Boy." The book......
Current Literature.
THREE BOOKS OF TRAVEL. l'hs Great Plateau : being an Account of Exploration in Central Tibot, 1903, and of the Gartok Expedition, 1904 - 1905. By Captain 0.44,. Bawling. (E.......
The Benefactor. By Ford Madox Hueffer. (brown, Langham )...
6s.)—The Benefactor does not present an attractive picture of the circle in which its characters move. This circle may be described as the home of third-rate "lions" of literary......
The Garden Of Mystery. By Richard Marsh. (john Long. 6s.)
—Mr. Marsh is always best at unravelling a good melodramatic plot of murder and sudden death, and in The Garden of Mystery he depicts some very startling crimes. There are no......
The Long Atm. By Samuel M. Gardenhire. (harper And Brothers.
6s.)—The Long- Arm which is depicted on the cover of this book in a truly startling fashion belongs to the law, and is nob the arm of coincidence. It will, therefore, be......
The New Rambler.
The New Rambler. By Sir Lewis Morris. (Longmans and Co. Cs. 6d. net.)—One naturally turns in looking through a volume of miscellanies to anything that the writer may see fit to......