One Church For Scotland
(To THE EDITOR OF TH1 "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—" A Scotchman in London," at the close of his letter in your last week's issue, bearing upon the advancing liberalism of religious......
Letters To The Editor.
THE NEW WORLD AND THE " NE'ER-DO-WEELS." [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR?) SIR,-I have read with much interest in your issue of April 26th the review of a book entitled......
Agrarian Distress In India.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — May I trespass on your space with a few remarks on the important problem of providing relief for the in- debted peasant proprietary of......
The Breaking-up Of Dogma In Scotland.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THB "SPECTATOR."] SIE,-Will you permit another " Scotchman in London" to say a few words on this subject? While I believe generally, with your correspondent of......