The War Between Chili On The One Side, And Bolivia
and Peru on the other, tends, for the present, to the advantage of the Chilians, who are undoubtedly in the right. They had worked the nitrate mines of Bolivia under an......
It Would Seem That The Archbishop Of Aix Certainly Did
not attack the French Government from the pulpit of Château Renard, either by calling them swine who had overeaten them- selves and were about to die of the gorging, or in any......
The Russians, Who Are Always Cheating And Betraying, In The
English journals, have, it appears, left a large surplus in the Bulgarian Treasury,—enough, it is said, for the improvement of a harbour on the Black Sea. They have, moreover,......
The Indian Financial Debate Ended On Friday Week, Without A
speech from Mr. Gladstone, who proposes to speak at a sub- sequent stage after Whitsuntide. Mr. Lowe, however, spoke, and made, "with his life in his hand," he said, a proposal......
The Egyptian Bondholders Cannot Give Up Their Hope That Some
Government or other will distrain on Egypt to recover. their bad debts. At first the British and French Governments were to act in concert and depose Ismail, then France was to......
The Opponents Of The O'conor Don's Irish University Bill Had
a meeting on Monday, Mr. Courtney in the chair, when resolutions were moved condemning the Bill, and charging it with being a Bill for endowing denominational education in......
What Would Be The Effect Of Sending All Indian Opium
as Government property to England every month, and selling it here instead of in Calcutta by auction for export to. China ? Our impression is, though we ought not to make such a......
Parties In The United States Are Beginning To Organise Them-
selves for the next election. The Democrats have resolved to support Mr. Tilden for the Presidency, provided his health will allow him to accept the nomination, and the......