31 MAY 1924, page 20

Tobacco And Mental Efficiency.

Tobacco and Mental Efficiency. By M. V. O'Shea. (New York : the Macmillan Company. 12s. net.) ToE definition of life as "Just one damn thing after another" has always been of......

Robert Smith Siirtees.

Robert Smith Surtees (Creator of Jorrocks), 1803-1864. By Himself and E. D. Ouming. (Blackwood. 158. net.) Ibr the large embrace of Victorian humanitarianism there is tto be......

A New Life Of Byron.

Byron in Perspective. By J. D. Symon. (Seeker. 12s. 6d. net.) Ma. SYMON has added another block to the pyramid of Byron literature, but we may feel his is a corner stone. His......