The Results Of Two By-elections Have Been Announced Since...
last issue. In the West Toxteth Division of Liverpool it was necessary to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of the Unionist, Sir Robert Houston. The figures declared on......
Some Newspapers Have Rather Lost Their Heads About What Is
melodramatically called the Death Ray. On behalf of Mr. Grindell-Matthews, the inventor of the ray, it has been said that this invisible influence will stop a motor at a range......
In The House -of Commons On Monday Mr. Shaw Was
botly attacked for his proposal to extend unemployment insurance to children of 14 and 15. He defended himself on the ground that those children who have left school, -but......
In The Crumbles Case The Police Complained That They Were
impeded in their duty of making inquiries by the parallel or counter inquiries of newspapers. Judges have no desire to frighten off criticism or to prevent a proper publicity,......
On The Second Reading Of The Finance Bill In The
House of Commons on Tuesday Mr. Asquith made the unexpected suggestion that holders of War Loan should be invited to hand it back to the Government in return For a certificate......
Sympathy Has Rightly Been Expressed With The Man- Chester...
as it is no part of the policy of that paper to conduct criminal investigations. It so happened that the murdered woman had belonged to Manchester, and a reporter was sent in......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.
July 5th. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 10041; Thursday week, 1001 ; a year ago, 1011. 81 per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 77*; Thursday week, 78; a year ago,......