3 FEBRUARY 1939, page 2

Indian National Congress Strains The Result Of The...

the Presidency of the Indian National Congress is significant of the tension between the Right Wing and the Left, and suggests the possibility of a complete rupture, though......

After Barcelona After The Surrender Of Barcelona, Without...

week, the Army of Catalonia retreated in disorder to the north; the advance of General Franco's troops along the Pyrenees leaves them in a perilous position and without any......

The Cabinet Changes A Cabinet Reconstruction Must Be...

from two points of view—the effect on the efficiency of the Cabinet as a whole and the effect on the efficiency of the Departments primarily affected. As regards the former......

The Risks Of War Sir John Simon's Statement, In The

House of Commons on Tuesday, on compensation for war damage to life and pro- perty will be well received by the country. Full compensa- tion will be paid for death or injury to......

Support For Sir Stafford Cripps The Labour Party...

already be regretting its expulsion of Sir Stafford Cripps ; though no admission of regret can be expected from Transport House. Sir Stafford has been given a vote of complete......

Germany And The Soviet Union The Direction Of Soviet Foreign

policy in the near future remains obscure ; but the rumours of a diplomatic rapproche- ment, leading to a new trade agreement with Germany, should serve as a hint to the Western......

Anglo-german Coal Agreement The Agreement Reached This...

of the British and German coal industries lays the basis for a division of world export-markets between European pro- ducers. Britain and Germany control 8o per cent. of the......