Current Literature
In common with the majority of successful Victorian writers of the second rank, Charles Lever is little read today, and it would be difficult to maintain that his neglect is......
Mrs. Malachi Whitaker Has A Reputation As A Writer Of
stories. And So Did I (Jonathan Cape, 7s. 6d.) is a dangerous attempt to make new ground. It consists, apparently, in damp comments and scrappy reminiscences written at odd......
Profzssor Macmurray's Use Of The Definite Article In The...
of his thesis (Student Christian Movement, 7s. 6d.) may well inspire doubt in those who have been offered various other explanations . of the historical process. But it is none......
The February Magazines
THE Nineteenth Century gives first place to Vice - Admiral Usbome in "The German Submarine Menace." Now that Germany is to build as large a tonnage of submarines as we have, we......