THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR " OFFERS A PRIZE OF £5 FOR AN ORIGINAL FOUR-LINE EPIGRAM ON " THE MODERN WORLD." RULES. 1. All entries must be recei ved on or before Friday......
The Truth About Russia
After Lenin. By Michael Farbman. (Leonard Parsons. is. exl.) IN the case of Russia it is "Farbman first and the field nowhere." This is because Mr. Michael Farbman has never......
THIS WEEK'S BOOKS IT is with a kind of relief that we see, after the tidal wave of the last two months, that all the publishers together have been able to muster up no more than......
Books Of The Moment
PEACOCK'S NOVELS IT is a great day in a man's life when he discovers Landor, a dismal one when he comes to the end of Landor and finds there are no more of the breed ; but there......