3 JANUARY 1925, page 30
The Closed Wall. By L. W.nedrenne.. (cassell. 7s. 6d....
closed wall of the title is figured as standing impenetrably between the pre-War and post-War eras. The hero, Adrian Phillips, is first a schoolboy, later serves through the......
Fate Knocks At The Door. By Sophie Cole. (mills And
Boon. 7s. 6d. net.)—An amusing story of lower middle-elass life in London and the suburbs. There is considerable humour In the description of the undertaker's home and the......
Fina_nce - Public And Private
THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] • SIR,—The occasions are rare when optimism is lacking at the end of a year with regard to the future. In this respect,......