3 JANUARY 1941, page 7

There Are A Number Of Rich Young Men Whose Claim

to a seat rests primarily and sometimes entirely on the distinction of their fathers; some of these seats are frankly hereditary. Retired men from the fighting, diplomatic and......

Food And Rent

The report of an enquiry into the living conditions of working-class families in the Newcastle-on-Tyne area, if it points to no conclusions that were not familiar already, does,......

Parties Are A National Convenience, But They Are Not An

end in themselves. They are kept alive by revolts from within and attacks from without. In the formative periods they often come under the domination of a single man who......

Perhaps There Are Two Main Reasons For This State Of

things: the cost in money—and time—of getting elected, and secondly, the nature and methods of Parliamentary business. It is im- possible to defend the auctioning of seats,......

It Is Said That Such A System Would Encourage The

professional politician and would remove from Parliament the clash of " interests." I disagree. For the first time it would make politics a career open to talent. Previous......

Whatever The Merits Of These Arguments May Be, It Is

im- perative that after the war, Parliament shall attract and discover new n-en and women. I doubt whether the present or any other party agencies will ever find them. And yet a......

Parliamentary Notes

Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : —In your last issue Mr. L. B. Namier concluded an historical essay on Demo- cracy and Party with these words: " In the presence of......


Food Production Errors

One of the sides where Lord Woolton is hampered by errors not under his own control is food production. The " dig for victory " campaign was conducted last year in a very......

New Var-time Houses

War-time house-building goes forward on a considerable scale, chiefly for the accommodation of munition workers; and air-raid dangers, combined with shortages of timber and......

The Plight Of Education

The Workers' Educational Association have just issued a very valuable manifesto entitled " Public Education and the War." In it they describe with moderation the way in which......