A Spectator's Notebook
I T is a great pity that the idea should have gained currency in the United States that Lord Halifax has some affinity with what are called " the appeasers." There is not a......
A Rather Important Little War-damage Problem Has Come My...
If you send a clock to be mended, or a suit of clothes to be cleaned, or a wireless set or a motor-car to be repaired, and the article in question is destroyed, with the other......
Some Anxiety May Mingle With The Satisfaction Which The...
to bring Indian workers to this country and billet them, after a preliminary training, in British workers' homes must inspire. If the experiment succeeds it will have achieved a......
Lengthy As The New Year's Honours List Is, Nothing In
it seems to me to call for special notice except Dr. Gilbert Murray's 0.M., to which I made oblique reference last week, and the two C.H.s awarded to Mr. J. L. Garvin and Mr.......
I Have Seen (in The Daily Telegraph), Only One Mention
of and no comment on, a rather remarkable message from the Board of Admiralty recently promulgated in Fleet Orders. In it the Board, " in the conviction that the present war is......
None Of The Commentators Seems Quite To Have Known What
to say about Captain Margesson's appointment to the War Office. Being in that case myself, I said nothing. But I may at least quote an opinion expressed by a political opponent......
The Arsenal Of The Democracies
Y EARS ago, when the policy of appeasement was in the ascendant in this country, Mr. Churchill saw the reality of the danger that was approaching Great Britain. In like manner......