A Defeatist Historian
From Patrick Beeley Sir: Correlli Barnett's article on the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq ('Why alQa'cda is winning', 13/20 December) continues the theme of defeatist gloom......
From Cotrelli Barnett Sir: Since Mark Steyn Was Kind Enough
to refer to me in his latest rant in your journal ('The triumph of George W. Bush', 27 December) he might have checked his facts first: I am not, and have never been, a......
Deciding Who Gets What
From Christopher Hen eghan Sir: Robert Gore-Langton ('Organ minders', 27 December) seems not to appreciate how offensive it is to suggest that a surgeon might make less effort......
How Bad Is Africa's Aids?
From Hugh Russell Sir: In 'Africa isn't dying of Aids' (13/20 December), Rian Malan pours scorn on my piece 'Aids: It's worse than you imagined' (1 March), and I hope to God......