3 JANUARY 2004, page 36
Two Very Different Islands
Diana Hendry MISS RANSKILL COMES HOME by Barbara Euphan Todd Persephone Books, 170, pp. 330, ISBN 1903155363 R eviewirig this novel in 1946, when it was first published,......
Old-style Irish Enterprise
Patrick Skene Catling LEAVES FROM THE FIG TREE by Diana Duff Summersdale Travel, £7.99, pp. 318, ISBN 1840243635 1 rishness is perceptible almost everywhere, if you look with......
A Man Who Asked The Right Questions
Jane Rye LONDON RECORDINGS by David Sylvester Chalk), £22, pp. 202, ISBN 0701162678 D avid Sylvester's first ambition was to be a professional cricketer, and he possessed to the......