And Robertson, 12s. 6d.). Mr Bear Is 'elderly,...
and fat,' and he lives alone in a gum-tree penthouse when two young bears, to his amazement and later consternation, announce that they have come to stay. The illustrations have......
Little Monk And The Tiger, By Arnold Dobrin (chatto And
Windus, 12s. &I.), is a story set in Thailand, in which a little monk, by his gentle- ness and kindness to animals, helps a fierce tiger and saves his village from danger. The......
Amongst Old Favourites Making A Welcome Re- Appearance Is...
the lion-hearted mouse, in Anatole and the Poodle, by Eve Titus, illustrated by Paul Galdone (Bodley Head, 10s. 6d.). Anatole copes fearlessly with Poodlenappers, flies from......
Tuppence Coloured
PicrutE books for young children are often so lavishly illustrated that one is tempted to buy them for their eye - appeal alone, but if they are to be of more than passing......
The Magic Suit Is The Famous Hans Andersen Story Of
The Emperor's New Clothes, retold by Elizabeth and Gerald Rose (Faber, 15s.). The emperor in all his vanity is a true emperor of fairy-tales, while the swindlers are twentieth......
Parents Who Are Looking For Cheaper Books Of A High
quality for the very young should bear in mind the Puffin slogan, 'There is Nuffin' Like a Puffin.' Ponder and William, by Barbara Softly (Penguin, 3s. 6d.), is a new Young......