A Beastly Journey After The Most Wonderful Whitsun I Can
re- member, spent blissfully with friends in the Scot- tish border country, I was reluctantly obliged to return to London on Tuesday morning. The plane was due to leave......
Spectator's Notebook
W HAT 011 earth is the Government playing at over the seamen's strike? Take the de- cision to appoint a court of inquiry into the dis- pute. In the first place, it seems......
Tailpiece 'mr Wilson,' Both The Guardian And The Daily...
informed their readers on Saturday, 'has written to Mr Nigel Lawson, editor of the SPECTATOR, to apologise for his slip of the tongue in answering a question from Mr Ian Gilmour......
It's A Libel The Recently Ennobled Lord Goodman Is Mr
Wilson's favourite lawyer. He is also a newly appointed trustee of the Observer and has con- siderable experience of the law of libel. His quali- fications for speaking in last......
L81 In Trouble - 2
The US Economy's Early Warning From DAVID WATT WASHINGTON This masterly self-portrait is not of course entirely spurious. Nor indeed is it all his own work. The commentators—a......
Ballyhoo But So Far From Having Been Called In Then,
he has not been called in now—and the Government has even gone so far as to give an assurance that he will never be called in. The Prices and In- comes Board, for all Mr Brown's......