In The Lords On Monday Lord Milner Opened A Long
debate on the Transvaal and Orange River Colonies with an im- pressive but pessimistic speech. In particular, he dwelt on the danger involved in the immediate grant of......
The News Of The Outbreak In Northern Nigeria, In Which
three British officers lost their lives, is unfortunately con- firmed by a telegram from Sir Frederick Lugard, dated February 23rd. Major Burdon, the Resident in Sokoto, reports......
On Wednesday News Was Published Of A Serious Outbreak Of
anti-foreign feeling in China. At Nan-chang-fn last Sunday sit French Roman Catholic priests were murdered by the mob, and an English missionary, Mr. Kingham, his wife and child......
News Of The Week
T HERE is little to report from Algeciras. Private negotia- tions having shown an irreconcilable difference between France and Germany, it only remained to discuss the question......
President Roosevelt Has Addressed To Mr. Taft, The...
for War, a letter on the character and achievements of Admiral Togo, with a view of enforcing the lesson of efficiency in the Army and Navy. The letter has been published as a......