The Debate On The Chinese Labour Amendment In The Commons
ended on Friday week. Lord Percy taunted the Government with disregarding the mandate to abolish Chinese labour given them at the Election; and Mr. Chamberlain, to illustrate......
On Wednesday The House Of Commons Was Occupied With The
discussion of a Resolution that in any settlement of South African affairs this country should recognise its responsibility for the protection of coloured races excluded from......
In The Lords On Monday Lord Milner Opened A Long
debate on the Transvaal and Orange River Colonies with an im- pressive but pessimistic speech. In particular, he dwelt on the danger involved in the immediate grant of......
Lord Harris, Who Dealt At Length With The Slavery Question,
sought to discredit Mr. Creswell's evidence by describing him as a man with a grievance and with a bee in his bonnet,—a double insinuation of a most unjust and un- worthy kind.......
The Debate Was Continued On Tuesday By Lord Burghelere, Who
pointed out that there was no difference of principle between the Government and Lord Milner in regard to self- government in the new Colonies. Where they differed was in regard......
Sir Edward Grey Made A Statement In The Commons On
Monday with regard to the answering of questions .dealing with foreign affairs. He admitted that it required some adjustment and indulgence on the part of the House to enable......
The Debate On The Address Was Continued On Monday. An
amendment condemning the partition of Bengal was moved by Mr. Herbert Roberts and supported by several Liberal Members. Mr. Morley in his reply declined to accept the view that......