3 MARCH 1961, page 16

Sig.—the People Of Britain And Of Other Common- Wealth...

now have a golden opportunity (which will not recur) of enabling democracy to function once again in South Africa and of averting a head-on clash between the exponents of White......

In Hospital With My Son

SIR, — .1 was much moved and impressed by Isabel Quigly's article 'In Hospital with my Son.' Eleven years ago one of my twin daughters, then aged four, was rushed into hospital.......

Heal -thyself

SIR,—Your suggestion that 'if' the profession cannot train medical students to deal with the diseases we have, then it is time it stepped aside and let some other organisation......

Mischief Or Contempt

SIR,—In your leading article last week you state, in relation to convictions for contempt, that 'a defendant has . . . no appeal from a verdict.' This has in fact now been......

Sig,--•--thank You For Printing Dr. Lcavis's Article,...

with much of which all those who value Lawrence's Work must agree. It is indeed grotesque and depressing that what Dr. Leavis calls 'the new orthodoxy of enlightenment' should,......

The Romantic Miss Riefenstahl

SIR,—Lest you should think that Mr. van 'That's letter about Mr. Muller's very nasty article repre- sents a unanimous 'hear, hear' from your readers. may I say that I thought it......

Take A Girl Like You

Sig,.--While not sharing Professor Enright's views, I would have made the same . slips as he has about Take a Girl Like You. Mr. Amis's letter makes it quite clear that we were......

Lady Chaiterley

SIR,—If Mr. Martin Turnell wanted, by producing that obscure pioneer essay (the printing was tiny, and the essay has been unobtainable for a quarter of a century), to show how......

Sir. - -dr. Moore Hits The Nail Of Censorship Right

on the head when he says that no 'decent woman' would go to a pub where she might be offended by vulgarity --for surely she should exercise precisely the same discretion over......