3 NOVEMBER 1950, page 20

The Spectator

SIR, —I know I am not the only reader of the Spectator who groans at receiving the depleted paper of recent weeks ; and, while we pity our- selves, our sympathy goes out to you......

Letters To The Editor

BEEF AND TWO VEG. SIR,—Mr. Nicolson's Mar g inal Comment in your issue of October loth on English restaurants today, is marred by his attribution of a general decline in English......

The Press In Germany

SIR,—General Clay, in his recently published Decision in Germany, referring to the newspapers licensed by the Americans in their zone in Germany, states : " Only in Bremen and......

University Memilers

SIR,—Janus calls " rather dangerous ground ' Mr. Churchill's assertion at Blackpool that twelve University Members would have given the Tories a majority of six in the latest......

Blue Moons And Green Light

Sin,—Mr. A. R. Clough expresses a wish to understand the cause of the " green flash " seen at times as the sun sets into a clear sea, for example in the Mediterranean and Indian......