Conservatism's Chance
T HE second session of the present Parliament opened on Tuesday. It may well prove to be not merely the second but the last. Surprisingly as the Government, with its tenuous and......
Ja Nus.
For An Able Man The Bishop Of Birmingham Has An
aston- ishing capacity for talking—something less than sense. What, for example, is to be made of this, in a sermon last Sunday : " Our abler young men of university standing......
Cambridge Graduates Who Desire To See Lord Tedder The Next
Chancellor would do well to take the trouble to go to Cambridge on November 10th and record their votes—voting is in person only—for the result, there is reason to think, is by......
After All The Recent Alarms And Excursions In The Matter
of television it might be worth considering—perhaps the Beveridge Committee on the B.B.C. will consider—how far a considerable spread of television is desirable. All the......
The Sudden Death Of The Bishop Of Truro Will Be
deeply deplored throughout Cornwall. Dr. Hunkin was a Cornish- man through and through, and having been the son of a Methodist lay preacher, and educated at a Methodist school,......
A Spectator's Notebook
H OW much unreality, I wonder, is there in the military and political discussions about a European army and the co- operation of the Germans and the possibility of the use of......