Unholy Waugh
Sir: In my view Beverley Nichols (October 27) overstates his case with regard to Evelyn Waugh. Waugh may not have been a gentleman, but to be born the son of an affluent......
Dalai Lama
Sir: The fascinating but sad story of the Dalai Lama told by George Patterson (October 20) prompts me to suggest to the Hebdomadal Council'of Oxford University that the least......
Government Spending
Sir: If we are to believe Mr Powell — and a lot of us do — then the root cause of our present economic trouble is simply government overspending. In the sacred name of growth Mr......
Market And Marxism
Sir: C. J. Arthur's first letter (October 13) claimed that the EEC only affected " the margins of national sovereignty" and so no anti-marketeer should vote for Wilsonian......
Sir: If Mr Arthur Who Wrote (letters. October 13) Calling
for Marxism to be " knocked right out of the mainstream of British politics "is flummoxed bY the reply of Mr Stern (October 20) 1 beg him not to despair. Our window cleaner is......