Sir Stafford Northcote's Speech At The Cutlers' Dinner On...
at Sheffield, was unpolitical and unimportant. Except that it indicated a good deal of jealousy of any interference by the- Government in the Standing Orders of the House of......
Mr. Gladstone Has Made Another Batch Of Peers,...
them, hoping, we suppose,—almost against hope when he contemplates the course of such very prompt deserters from their Liberal creed as Lord Brabourne,—that those who have been......
Dr. Bradley, The Master Of University College, Oxford,...
merly head master of Marlborough School, is to be the new Dean of Westminster. He is certainly a fit successor in Dean Stanley'a own Arnoldian school of thought, and is the......
Mr. Cowen, M.p. For Newcastle-on-tyne, In His Bitter...
the Land League Convention, held in Newcastle on Monday, attacked the Government with all his old virulence,—first, for passin4 the Irish Coercion Acts ; and next, for not......
The French Republic Is Not, As Yet, Inclined To Make
peace with the Catholic Church, nor, apparently, the Catholic Church with the French Republic. In the Council of the Department of the Nord, a deputy in this last session......
Lord Grey Addressed To The Times Of Saturday And Thursday
last, two letters containing an attack on the principle of com- mercial treaties, in which he attributed directly to our treaty of commerce with France the reaction which has......
O'donovan Rossa, In The United Irishman, Declares That It...
not be safe to travel in English vessels after the present date, for fear of the dynamite preparations which they and their friends have been making to blow up the said vessels,......
In The London University Honours Lists, Which Came Out On,
Saturday last, the girls took a very remarkable place. The first, in the English Honours list for the preliminary B.A. examine-- tion was a girl, though one past the age for......
A More Ominous Symptom Of The Same Kind Is The
attack on religion made by M. Paul Bert, in the Winter Circus, on Sunday, at Paris, under the presidency of M. Gambetta, who cheered on M. Paul Bert, and predicted for him a......