3 SEPTEMBER 1881, page 3

Sir John Lubbock's Review, At York, On Wednesday, Of The

progress of physical science during the last fifty years, was one of the most remarkable and interesting which any President of the British Association has delivered for many......

We Observe With Satisfaction That The Church Congress Is To

hold a discussion at Newcastle in October, on the advantages -and disadvantages of the establishment of a Church by the State. We hold, and have long held, that the advantages......

The Speaker Of The House Of Commons Has Been Made

a Civil Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, and will be styled in future Sir Henry Brand, G.C.B. There is a precedent for this somewhat unusual bestowal of dignity in the case......

August Has Falsified In Every Way The Promise Of July.

Since the end of the first week we have had torrents of rain, followed in the last few days by a cold more like that of winter than even late autumn. The harvest has been......

Mr. Auberon Herbert Writes A Clever Letter In The Cynical

vein, to Wednesday's Times, asking a number of questions, which he appears to think, ought to make both the political parties wince -equally. These are specimens;—" Can you......

The Guardians Of The Poor At Richmond Are Guardians Indeed.

If they were their parents, as well as their guardians, they could 'hardly take a more affectionate interest in their political opinions. .0n 'Thursday week, Mr. Carlile, one of......

In The London University Honours Lists, Which Came Out On,

Saturday last, the girls took a very remarkable place. The first, in the English Honours list for the preliminary B.A. examine-- tion was a girl, though one past the age for......

Consols Were On Friday 98i To 90.
