3 SEPTEMBER 1927, page 26

Topsy-turvy. By Vernon Bartlett. (constable. 10s.) —as A...

in various parts of Europe since the Armistice, Mr. Bartlett has been brought very intimately into contact with the topsy-turvydom of our post- War world, and he has set down......


The World so Wide Gallions Reach. By H. M. Tomlinson. (Heinemann. 7s. 6c1.) WE are all by this time well and gladly aware that Mr. Tomlinson deserves to be called an......

High Winds

High Winds. By Arthur Train. (Nash and Grayson. 7s. 43(1.) " LET us bury the natural body of tradition. What we want is its glorified body and its immortal soul." These words,......