Topsy-turvy. By Vernon Bartlett. (constable. 10s.) —as A...
in various parts of Europe since the Armistice, Mr. Bartlett has been brought very intimately into contact with the topsy-turvydom of our post- War world, and he has set down......
John Flaxman, 1755-1826. By W. G. Constable. (university...
Press. 10s. 6d.)—Flaxman as a sculptor is out of fashion. His neo - elassieal themes are seldom interesting because they are excessively sentimental. Yet he had great talent, a......
Serenus And Other Stories Of The Past And Present. By
Jules Lemaitre. Translated by A. W. Evans. (Elkin Mathews and Marrot, Ltd. 2s. 6d.)— Here is that rare thing, a translation from the French carried out by a competent craftsman......
Tragedy At Ravensthorpe. By J. J. Connington. (been. 7s....
is more than a good detective tale. Alike in plot, characterization, and literary style, it is a work of art. Mr. Connington's ingenuity is exceptionally fertile and brilliant.......
Current Literature
HISTORY OF THE 60TH DIVISION, 1914-1918. By COlonel P. H. Dalbiac, C.B. (Allen, 21s.)—" War, war is still the cry," and another quite notable addition to its history is......
The Eton College Register, 1698-1752. Edited By Richard...
: Spottiswoode, Ballantyne and Co. 21s. net.)—This result of laborious and unlimited research will appeal to a far wider public than any directly connected with Eton to-day,......
An Encyclopaedia Of Ironwork. With An Historical...
Hoever. (Ernest Benn. 42s.)—The average man secs so few finely wrought gates and grilles and chandeliers nowadays that he scarcely realizes tile artistic possibilities of iron......
English Democratic Ideas In The Seven- Teenth Century. By G.
P. Gooch. Second Edition. With Supplementary Notes and Appendices by H. J. Laski. (Cambridge University Press, 10s. 6d.)—Students of the philosophy of history will welcome the......
Summer Flowers Of The Wild. By Edward Step, F.l.s....
5s.)—We have already drawn attention to Professor Step's admirable method of grouping flowers according to how they are found—that is, arranging them for reference uses......