4 APRIL 1874, page 1

Sir G. Wolseley Is Fairly Paid For His Success, With

his 'baronetcy, /1,000 a year for three lives, Major-Generalship, and Orders, though not over-paid, especially in military promotion, and we suppose the apparent stinginess of......

Prince Bismarck Is Still Very Ill, And What Is Perhaps

one of the reasons why he does not get better, very angry with the Reichstag for its perversity in not voting the Military Bill. We have given at length elsewhere the language......

The French Elections Of Last Tuesday Have Again Given To

the Republicans two more of those decisive victories which, often as they have been repeated, seem to avail them so little in the divisions of the National Assembly. In the......

News Of The Week.

Tr HE thanks of Parliament were voted on Mondayto all engaged in the Ashantee Expedition, including Captain Glover, by both 'Houses. In both, the principal subject of......

A Struggle Of Great Importance Is Going On In Suffolk

and Cambridgeshire, the centre being about Newmarket. The labourers there, who see gentlemen spending thousands a year on training-stables, asked that their wages might be......

Baron Reuter Really Should Fine The Person, Whoever He Is,

who draws up his Paris bulletins. His telegrams always give the first impression, and his telegram sketching M. de Broglie's plan for a Second Chamber is as full of blunders as......

0 * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
