A Painful Illusion.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") $1R,—The following extract from the letter of a Cambridge cor- respondent may interest some of your readers,—"Two Hungarian 'divinity......
The Chimpanzee.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sxn,—In your article on "The Affection of Animals for Man," referring especially to the death of "Joey," the Chimpanzee, at the Zoological......
'DR. SCHWEINFURTH'S BOOK ON AFRICA.* [TEM NOTICE.] DR. SCHWEENFtRTH went forth in considerable state from his house to his audience with King Munza, a terrible potentate, for *......
One Of Women's Rights.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sre,—Will you allow me to say a few words, since I represent a very different class of persons to that for which "B." and the Rev. Mr.......
PRAYER. 'TREY chide us for praying—half in scorn, And half in sadness—pointing to their light Of newly risen knowledge, whose clear dawn Scatters the ghostly phantoms of our......